Monday, July 02, 2007

Money Money Money

How difficult it is not to acknowledge the part played by money in our lives. Acknowledging its presence is good, but what happens when it grows on you to become an obsession. I am not obsessed with the money, but I am extremely fascinated by the magic it weaves. The best example of such a magic on a very large scale is the stock market. Boy oh boy, just look at the charts of stocks, every single point on the chart is controlled by money. A Fundamentalist would differ on this comment, but I, being a student of numbers, like what these small units of money can do with those bar charts and each candlestick being governed by previous day's, week's, even year's numbers. And an attempt to capture the next day's moves is assisted by theories such as Dow's and Elliott's.
I am not a money spinner.. I am just a learner on the scrips street. Though I would love to make some money too ;D


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