Monday, March 05, 2007


I think most of us have heard that whenever a person dies her life flashes in front of her and those witnessing the event surely think of the times spent together with that person if related.
What I mean to say is that one travels through the past at the time of death.
Have you ever wondered what is the feeling at the time of birth? I am sure you wouldn't be remembering it. But if you have witnessed birth in a very close relation, you sure would have got those goose bumps and that undescribable feeling which you still cherish.
I witnessed the birth of my daughter and I will never forget the moment of such a mysterious sensation running through my veins when I first came to know that it's a daughter, when I first held her, when I just wanted to stare at her all I could.
It was like the future has flashed before me, but I cannot understand future as I have not seen it and hence I cannot describe it.
I know the feeling in my heart, I can't pen it down.


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