Friday, June 29, 2007

Days merged

Who would have thought that days could be merged. For me 2 days form one day. Quite evident from my last post. So this is the second day since my last post. As I said we are living in a linear space and time but I would try to give dimensions to everything linear, this is the first effort in that direction: I have successfully bent and merged time to half!
Actually the date also should have been 27th. But going by the Gregorian calender, it's the 30th. I wouldn't mind accepting the well established norms, but I want to live by my own set principles.
Now that raises a lot of questions as well as eyebrows. "What do you mean by your own set of principles?" Someone asked. "Do you mean you would be adhering to your own set of morals too?" "Does that mean you wouldn't accept the traditions and conventional thinking too?". "Doesn't that make you an iconoclast?"
Well I am as torn apart as anybody else in finding answers to these questions. People want to break free of the routine, monotonous life, yet are bound by social obligations, which is not easy to break once they are deep into it for a long time. And this clock started ticking at the time of the birth.
If an average person were to make a chart of his life till death, it would appear totally straight with a few smaller offshoots.
But if there are multiple and bigger offshoots life would have been a great joyride.
Who wants to leave an average life? Even if one is bound by social obligations, how does one go realizing one's aspirations?
How do I start? I have to help myself.. and help myself find answers.
For me the best answer would be something which involves my family, which is my world and my aspirations.


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