Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stupid Intelligent Games

Ha.. I played a game on Facebook. It's called "Where you should live". It asks a few questions and based on your responses tells you where you should be living. I saw a few of my friends taking the test and it, though a stupid test, tells roughly whats going on their mind: their current state of wishful thinking. Some are really ambitious, some are adventurous, some just want to break away from their present hustle and bustle. I really liked their wishful cities.
The city that I should live in came to be Paris. Paris, because it's where one would end up doing nothing but pamper one's creative senses, become observers of nature. This is something everybody has forgotten to do in this race to achieve certain position in life, to achieve their ambition.
But, I realize, wouldn't everybody eventually want to be in Paris?

Materialistic Views

Do Materialistic people really know why they are materialistic? What is all the craving behind all the things that do not have any meaning? Whats the real reason behind it?
I guess if a materialistic person really knew why s/he is materialistic, s/he would stop being one.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


1. I chose my own reality.
2. Past is not written yet.
3. Future is not written yet.
4. Present is Figment of my imagination.

Past Ramblings

Past has not been written yet. Past is just the manifested reality that everyone seem to have an experience of. If Past was the manifestation, isn't the Present itself a manifestation? What I see, I look at, I feel, isn't it all just a figment of my imagination.. or a pseudo-reality that I have created for myself? If everything is in my mind, isn't the future also in my mind? what is it that I am afraid of to even try and look at the future? If I can look at the past with ease, why is it difficult to look at the future? If I can influence my Present, why cant I influence my Past? Why can't I influence my future?
The answer is simple: the electron just superpositioned itself into the two corners of a circle.

Now the question is.. which electron??