Saturday, July 19, 2008

what is this

sap dahlingz

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Flash of life

I wonder whether I am dead or alive.
The reason for the above comment is purely mathematical ......and philosophical. It is a well know statement (not sure about the fact) that a person's life flashes in front of him when he is about to die. If this statement is true then I am sure the flash must be really fast. Let's assume that a billion second can be experienced in one second, then considering a person's average life span is 60-70 years or approximately 2 billion seconds, his entire life flashes in front of him in a mere 2 seconds. And if a person takes at least 10 seconds to die then he can live 6 times his own life of which 5 are the flashes and one the actual life he has lived.
Are my flashes yet to happen or which flash am I going through?

Its nice that almighty gives you more than you can ask for.